• Admission to the LKG class of the succeeding Academic year is given in December of the previous year. Application forms and prospectus are issued from the school office in November.
      • The minimum age for admission to LKG class is 3½ and to standard 1 is 5½ years on the first of June of the year of study. The age limit varies correspondingly for admission to other standards. Relaxation to age limit will not be granted.
      • Admission to all classes other than LKG is strictly restricted to the number of vacancies arising in each class every year. Separate application forms will be issued for such admissions and a selection test will be conducted on a date announced at the end of every Academic year.
      • Students seeking admission from other States or Countries should produce Transfer Certificates counter signed by competent educational authorities/embassies of the countries concerned.


    • Advance application signed by the parent or guardian is requested for withdrawing a student from the school.
    • If a pupil is admitted to or withdrawn from the school in the middle of a Term, tuition fee for the whole term should be paid.
    • Transfer certificate will be issued only after all dues are cleared and all the books borrowed from the library are returned.
    • The Principal may ask a parent/guardian to withdraw a child, if the child does not comply with the discipline of the school or is incapable of coping up with the curriculum

        • There will be lesson-wise test for all the subjects.
        • Four periodic test and annual examination (written and oral).
        • Apart from the above examinations there will be assessment of   edu-kit presentation worksheet completion, random pair quiz test.
        • Parents are advised to watch the progress of their children very closely, consult teachers and take their advice whenever necessary.
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